Terms and Conditions of Use and Sale

Welcome to Joor'thuurn's Replicating Hoard!

These terms and conditions outline the terms for the use of Joor'thuurn's Replicating Hoard's (JRH) Website, located at https://joorsreplicatinghoard.com, particularly in regard to placing orders with us.

By accessing and using this website, we assume you accept these terms and conditions. Do not continue to use the website, or place orders with us, if you do not agree all of the terms and conditions stated on this page.

Quick Disclaimer!: This is a side job I am doing in between my main job. Please bear with me as I may not be "Johnny On The Spot" in terms of responding to emails and order inquiries. The same applies for my father, who does the model painting; i.e. this is a side job in between his main job.

Terms of Use:

For all intents and purposes, you are here to browse my website and see the things I have printed for either myself, friends/family, or actual clients so you can get a feel for what I am capable of.
The images present on my website are for my use only for either I have procured a license to use such images, OR I myself have taken the images presented on the website meaning I hold the copyright to them.
What I am trying to say is, use this website reasonably. You're here to see my offerings, and possibly get in touch with me to see about 3D printing something for you. If you like my service and want to share it with friends and family, I ask that you please share my website link, and not just the images in my "What i've worked on" section.

Terms of Processes of Sale:

Now, with the use terms out of the way, here's the info regarding ordering things from me, including the process step-by-step of how a transaction between the client and me will take place.
So you're looking to order 3D prints from me, huh? Cool!
Quick Disclaimer!: I reserve the right to refuse to print certain models for any reason I wish. While this will likely be a legality issue with the model, there could be other reasons I may not print a model.

  1. Contact me using the main page to start the process of ordering. Drop your name, your email, a message like "Hi! I want to place an order" or something. I will respond as soon as I can. Alternatively, you can bundle step 1 and step 2 together by directly emailing me at joorthuurn@joorsreplicatinghoard.com (Woah! This looks clickable!)

  2. You will send to me the models you want printed, likely as an attachment to an email. You'll specify what Quality Level you want the models printed at, and if you want any of the models painted.

  3. I will run the models through my software to get the costs associated with printing the models, and if you want the models painted, I will get with my father to see what he wishes to charge to paint the models.

  4. Once I have the final price, I will inform you of said price. From there you can choose to continue with your order, or abandon your order.

  5. If you choose to continue with your order, I will create a customer invoice and send it your way. This invoice will detail the costs associated with your order.

  6. Once you pay the invoice, the order is confirmed and your models are put into the printing queue, waiting for their turn.

  7. Once your order is completed printing, I will ship it to you, or if you are in the Jonesboro, AR area, we can arrange an In-Person Pickup which saves you and me both money.